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Tomb of Horrors
AthVentureCon always has a huge list of TTRPGs to choose from and we like to spotlight as many as we can before February. With over 100 games on offer, we better get started!!
First up:
D&D is now over 50 years old & at
#AthCon3 we are giving folks the opportunity to experience the game as it was!
Long time friend of
#AthVentureCon & the person for whom the phrase “forever DM” was likely first coined, GM Gus will be running the classic Tomb of Horrors scenario using the 1975 rules.
Gus ran a table of the original rules at last AthVentureCon and it was incredibly popular.
Just a reminder, game sign-up forms are going out to early ticket holders soon, so get your tickets now!
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